Good morning everybody! Today we are going to tell you about a the Mild beer style: what is a Mild, its features, ingredients, etc. But first, we want to tell you a story. You know we like to tell you stories, so…

Today’s story is located in Santomera (Murcia, Spain). Here, it is holdthe “Feria de la cerveza artesana de Santomera” ( Santomera’s Craftbeer Fest) since 2016. This year, its second edition has been celebrated in September and we decided to hit the road and be part of it (you have the poster above.)

As you can see, this fest brought together many brewers. And you know what may happens when brewers reunite…So, we have to announce something. ¡We are expecting a Mild! The thing is, during Santomera’s fest the brewers brewed a collaboration organized by Yakka and we brewed a Mild. Its name is going to be Hughie’s Mild, named after Hugh from Yakka, who has been our guide during the breweing of this traditional british style recipe.

Now, what is a Mild? A Mild is a traditional british style that today is a unsual. The Mild brewed in the north of England is strong, malty and has notes of walnut. Meanwhile, the one brewed in the south is more dark and sweet and has less alcohol.

How is a Mild? The ingredients are: Malta Mild Ale, Dark Crystal Malt and Chocolate Malt; Northdown 8% and Bramling 6% hops; and Wyeast 1318 London ale III.

Its colour is dark amber to reddish brown with whitis foam. Mild’s colour is classificated as 33 according to the European Brewing Convention (EBC) scale, and as 17 according to the Standard Reference Method (SRM) and  Lovibond (ºL)

Tiene un color de ámbar oscuro a pardo rojizo con una espuma blanquecina. El aspecto de una Mild es 33 en la tabla de clasificación de la European Brewing Convention (EBC) y 17 en la tabla de clasificación de color de la Standard Reference Method (SRM) y los Grados Lovibond (ºL).  Approximately what it is inside the black circle:

Its taste usually is sweet with notes of walnut, candy and biscuit. A soft flavour of malt and  Its flavour is soft, malt and candy. Milds are beers between  2.8-5.4% APV.

Sounds good, eh? You know what comes next, pay attention to the blog. When the beer is ready, we will make the announcement in the blog.

P.S. Many thanks to all people that came to Beermad to enjoy the atmosphere and share our beers. Yes, we have participated in Beermad too. You already know we radiate energy and love being in these events.

Thank you so much!

Yria Beer
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